Book Reviews

10 junho, 2006

51) Bank after bank...

Bibliografia sobre o sistema monetário europeu e o banco central da UE, encaminhada por meu colega Rodrigo Amaral Souza (but talks about "rebirth of Europe’s power" are, as would say Mark Twain, greatly exagerated...):

ARTUS, Patrick – L’Euro et la Banque Centrale Européenne: un premier bilan. Paris: Editions Economica, 2001.

FITOUSSI, Jean-Paul e CREEL, Jérôme - How to reform the European Central Bank. Londres: Centre for European Reform (CER), 2002.

ISSING, Otmar; GASPAR, Vitor; ANGELONI, Ignazio e TRISTANI, Oreste - Monetary policy in the Euro Area: strategy and decision-making at the European Central Bank. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

MARSHALL, Matt - The bank: the birth of Europe’s Central Bank and the rebirth of Europe’s power. Londres: Random House Business Books, 1999.

NAUDIN, François - The European Central Bank: a bank for the 21st century. Londres: Kogan Page, 2000.

PADOA-SCHIOPPA, Tommaso − The euro and its Central Bank: getting united after the union. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2004.

PAPADIA, Francesco e SANTINI, Carlo - La Banca Centrale Europea. Bolonha: Società editrice il Mulino, 2000.

PIFFERI, Marco e PORTA, Angelo - La Banca Centrale Europea: la politica monetaria nell’area dell’euro. Milão: Egea Edizioni, 2001.